Speaking and community events

At DLM Consultants we love to share our expertise with the community.

In many ways we owe a debt to the London Continuous Delivery and #SQLFamily communities, without whom we would not exist today. It is for this reason that Alex Yates has joined committee for both the London CD Meetup and SQL Relay conference to ensure that other folk are able to benefit just like he has.

In addition to his role as an organiser, Alex keeps a log of all of his planned and past conference sessions on his personal blog. He has various sessions that he can deliver with about 10 minutes notice (although a little more is appreciated). If you would like Alex to come and speak at your event you can see his abstracts, along with slides and videos (where they exist) by following the links below:


DevOps 101 for data professionals – how your jobs will change

60 minutes introductory session. Level 200.

Great for a data platform audience who want to learn about what DevOps is, where it came from, why it is important and how it will effect them.

More details.


Database version control and deployment: model or migration scripts?

60 minutes technical session. Level 300.

For folk who understand the point of database source control but who are facing problems and would like to know if they are following an approach which is suitable for them.

More details.


Getting CI right for SQL Server

60-75 minutes technical session. Level 300. Has some shared content with “Getting release management right for SQL Server”. Could be combined as a 90 minute session on CI and release management.

For folk who have already got their database in source control but who want to take things to the next level by adopting continuous integration and automated testing.

More details.


Getting release management right for SQL Server

60-75 minutes technical session. Level 300. Has some shared content with “Getting CI right for SQL Server”. Could be combined as a 90 minute session on CI and release management.

For folk who have already got their database in source control and who have at least a working knowledge of database CI concepts but who still struggle to automated their deployments.

More details.


Database DevOps Anti-patterns (aka. How to screw up your ability to deliver database updates in 16 simple steps)

30-45 minute rant. Level 200.

A cheerful review of the 16 most popular strategies for screwing up your ability to deliver your users’ data requirements.

More details.


Database drift, cheese graters and Elton John

10-15 minute lightning talk. Level 100-200.

A bit of fun that explores the relationship between hot-fixes on production and physical pain. Set to music. Requires a piano and a sense of humour.

May be added on to any of the sessions above or delivered by itself.