My References: Getting Release Management Right for SQL Server


You are ahead of the curve. You’ve learned that you need to put your database in source control and you’ve set up some sort of automated build and regression testing process. (Or you’ve been to my continuous integration session.)

However, your deployments are still expensive and risky. You find it hard to keep track of what has been deployed to each environment. You don’t have a great deal of confidence that the production database is still in line with source control. You may have heard of the automated deployment functionality in VSTS or Octopus Deploy but you haven’t tried it yet… at least not for SQL Server.

In this session I’ll automate a deployment pipeline in a couple of different ways. I’ll discuss the importance of your database model as well as repeatable upgrade scripts and discuss the pros and cons of different approaches to automation. I’ll also discuss how to monitor for and protect yourself from database drift.



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Need support implementing database release management?

If you are looking for database release managment training or consultancy DLM Consultants can help. We offer on-site consultancy as well as online workshops. Our full public workshops schedule is here.

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