My References: Adopting DLM at Greentube


At Greentube business is booming. However, for the last few years they have faced increasing problems scaling their product and headcount.

Like many orgs, Greentube has a complicated SQL Server backend which supports many apps.

In 2016, despite best efforts, the database was not in source control, deployments were manual and the production database schemas were out of sync. The core database team was struggling to keep up with the business’s rapid growth because so much time was wasted firefighting unexpected issues.

The business recognised that the database was a bottleneck on the company’s growth. And that was an expensive problem.

Come and learn from Manoj Lona, the DB Team Lead at Greentube, and Alex Yates, a DLM Consultant from DLM Consultants, about how last year they made the necessary technical and organisational changes that today enable GreenTube to deploy their database at the click of a button – allowing them to scale their product and headcount to meet business demand.




Other talks I’ve delivered

Support with Database Lifecycle Management (DLM), Database DevOps and the GDPR

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