My References: Database DevOps Anti-Patterns

I’ve just delivered a session for Redgate’s SQL in the City Streamed conference. The recording is here:

In the session I describe fifteen database DevOps anti-patterns:

  1. Fear every change
  2. Wait until you are already screwed
  3. Build a tangled web of databases
  4. Customize each production instance
  5. Don’t use a standard source control process
  6. Impose new process on underlings
  7. Don’t provide any training
  8. Use the wrong model/migration approach
  9. Hot-fix all the problems in production
  10. Don’t use branching or tagging
  11. Use branches to solve every problem
  12. Re-invent the wheel
  13. Have a functional stand-off
  14. Create a DevOps teams/role
  15. Give up.

The slides are here:

I referenced various blog posts, docs pages and videos during my talk. Here’s a list:

Other talks I’ve delivered

The self promotion bit

If you are looking for database DevOps training or consultancy my company, DLM Consultants, can probably help. We offer on-site consultancy as well as online workshops. Our full public workshops schedule is here.

To read more about our services or to contact us head to